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The Growth of Partial Self-Insurance

Mar 28, 2018

In today's competitive job market companies can find it hard to afford to retain quality candidates. For nonprofits specifically, this is even more challenging. How can an organization that isn't self-funded offer benefits that will attract and retain highly skilled individuals? The answer to this lies in more substantial employee healthcare. 

In the past the need for a reserve fund, the risk of high claims, and the year-over-year financial uncertainty made it difficult to imagine how an already cash-strapped organization could make self-funding a reality. But creative approaches to self-insurance – such as partial self-funding – have removed many of these obstacles and provided nonprofits with an opportunity to improve benefits while cutting costs.

This has left nonprofits with a more cost-effective way to supply their employees with better healthcare, offering them not only a better pool of employees, but also saving them substantial amounts of money they would be spending on reserve funds, high claims, etc. 

To learn more about partial self-funding and how it can help your organization, download our brief white-paper, The Growth of Self-Insurance: A New Opportunity for Nonprofits to Better Fund Employee Healthcare, which explains:

  • The pros of partial self-insurancefor a nonprofit organization
  • Common barriersnonprofits face when accessing a self-funded insurance model
  • How to assess if your organization is a good candidate for partial self-insurance

Download the Guide Now!  

The information and materials herein are provided for general information purposes only and are not intended to constitute legal or other advice or opinions on any specific matters and are not intended to replace the advice of a qualified attorney, plan provider or other professional advisor. This information has been taken from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no guarantee as to its accuracy. This communication does not constitute a legal opinion and should not be relied upon for any purpose other than its intended educational purpose.

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